Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Freedom Kids strives to partner with parents to disciple the next generation to love, know, and follow Jesus. We endeavored to create an environment that is loving so kids can see Jesus clearly and be excited to be part of the church family God created us to be.
The first step is helping kids to know who Jesus is - He is fully God and fully human and Lord of their life, if they choose to follow Him. We want kids to see the joy and peace Jesus offers to those who love and obey Him, no matter their circumstances.
The second step is helping kids gain biblical knowledge to develop trust of God's Word as absolute truth and learn more of who God is through His Word. We also want kids to understand that the Bible provides answers for our identity and purpose in life.
The third step is helping kids live in a way that honors the Lord, at home and in the world. We want to help kids apply the Word of God and be transformed daily by the gospel.

If you are coming to visit us, make checkin go quickly by doing a Pre-Checkin
Sunday Mornings
10:30 am
Birth - Waddlers
(Beginning to walk, but not ready for a structured classroom)
Toddlers - 3 year olds
(Fully talking and walking, ready for a structured classroom)
(4-5 year olds not in kindergarten)
K-5th grade
(We sort by grade groupings in small groups for learning)
We want to love and care for babies well while mom and dad attend church service so they can continue to grow their faith and worship the One true God. We love to care for mom and dad in this way and see the beauty of how your little one discovers the world in new ways.
We begin to share the truths of God's love for His creation and us. We explore and marvel at the power of God. We love them well and help mom and dad teach them social interactions with friends. They begin to see the beauty of church family.
We encourage our kids to build relationships with Jesus and each other. Playtime is how they learn and we are active! Every week, we discuss the truth of who God is as revealed in His Word. We want them to know how loved they are by Jesus, their family, and church family.
We help kids understand the whole narrative of God's Word - the Bible is one big story! We want them to understand how each part points to the Gospel and the Gospel is for them. Jesus can and will work in them every day for their best. We also want to show them how to live for Jesus.
Every Wednesday but Family Night
(the last Wednesday of the month)
6:30 -8:30 pm
Cheese and pepperoni pizza are provided for 2-year-olds and up. If your child will not eat pizza, please feed them before they come or send them with food.
2 year olds - Pre_K
K-5th grade
We provide a loving, warm environment for all the little babies as parents engage in one of the many FLC Life Groups, digging deeper into God's Word and building community.
We love to play and explore basic biblical truths with our littles on Wednesday nights. There are crafts, story time, and play time with many friends.
While mom and dad are learning more about God, so are our elementary kids. 4th and 5th grade students have a breakout tailored to engage them more deeply in Scripture, while younger elementary explore the Sunday lesson more deeply.
One tool we use to help our kids to know and love Jesus is our curriculum. Beginning March 2nd, we will us the Go Curriculum. Here are some things we like about GO:
- Scope and Sequence – 3 one-year chronological cycles that include OT and NT
- Guiding principles: God's meta-narrative of love, redemption and reconciliation; A person's faith should be living and active; provide opportunities to respond to God's Word.
- Utilize different learning strategies every month to engage different learning styles and stay fresh
Join the Freedom Kids Team
Do you want to be a part of changing lives? Helping kids know the truth? Want to make an impact on the kingdom? Do you love kids? Are you willing to let God transform you as your serve others?
Freedom Kids might be just the place for you. We have many roles including admin, check-in and teaching. Contact Sarah Gosvenor to discuss the possibilities.
Freedom Kids might be just the place for you. We have many roles including admin, check-in and teaching. Contact Sarah Gosvenor to discuss the possibilities.